Wednesday, 13 June 2012

A Good Samaritan Protects Fran from our Unwelcome Visitor

When we were kids our generation went to Sunday school and learned the parable of the Good Samaritan.  The Good Samaritan was a traveller who helped a man who was robbed, beaten and left by the side of the road from Jerusalem to Jerico.  Many people of high rank walked by the man and didn't help.  The Good Samaritan did.  He stopped and helped a stranger in need.

A painting of the Good Samaritan by a Dutch Artist

Yesterday, our guest and fellow volunteer, Fran was on her way to the market when she was accosted by the mentally deranged man who has been harassing us.  He screamed at her, invaded her personal space and waved his stick close to her.

 Fran helping our primary teachers inventory their libraries in boxes

Luckily for Fran a Good Samaritan came by.  Her name was Asha and she took Fran aside and protected her until the fellow went away.  Fran was able to return to our house safely.

Later in the day we had Asha over to our house for tea and thanked her for her help.

Asha, a modern day Good Samaritan

Today, Mr. Ndee took us to the police station twice.  The police have the man in custody but they and Mr. Ndee assure us that we will not have to go to court. 

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