Thursday, 12 April 2012

Wonderful News

An aging computer at the CERC cobbled together with bits of cardboard boxes.
This aging wreck will soon be replaced.

We applied for a grant to replace the broken down and aging computers at our partner organization, the Community Education Resource Centre (CERC).  This morning we received  news that our grant application had been approved and that we will be getting the funds to buy twenty refurbished computers.  These funds will come from the monies raised at the Kilimanjaro Marathon which was held in Februrary.

The much improved access to information technology will help the people of rural Kiteto to build their capacity.  The courses that will be possible on the new computers will go a long way to empower the people of our community.

Many thanks for the support of Margaret and Ishwar.  Not only did they fund raise and run in the Kilimanjaro Marathon but they also wrote letters supporting our grant application.

A very big vote of thanks must also go out to Jean van Wetter our country director.  His enthusiastic support for our work here is much appreciated.


1 comment:

  1. Peter,

    Great blog...

    You taught me Canadian History at Hudson High in 1984...

