He is not here; he has risen, just as he said.
Come here and see the place where he lay.
Matthew 28-1-10
Our Easter weekend involved food, friends and lots of laughter. We were guests at Mr. and Mrs. Ndee's house for lunch on Saturday where we ate delicious home cooked Tanzanian food had a lovely visit and a tour of the new home that the Ndee's are building.
Mr. and Mrs. Ndee
On Sunday all of the Muzungus in town plus two Muzungu guests, Chris and Lesley, contrubuted to a pot luck Easter feast topped off with chocolate cake decorated with Easter chickens. We even hunted for jelly bean Easter eggs in Tessa's garden. The Easter Mongoose was good to us.
Lesley, Debra, Tessa, Chris, Mindy and Michael
It was a memorable weekend with lots of stories to tell.
Debra's Chocolate Cake